Gambit Scheme Web App Tutorial

Marc Feeley

July 29, 2020


  • Gambit Scheme is an R7RS compliant Scheme system with an optimizing compiler supporting multiple target languages

  • Its JS backend allows writing web apps in Scheme

  • This slide deck has been prepared with Gambit’s JS backend, pandoc and reveal.js

  • Click on any code example to run it in your browser

  • Slide deck sources:

Hello world

(alert "Hello world!")

(alert (string-append
         "Hello "
         (prompt "What's your name?")
  • When this code is run, the browser’s alert and prompt JS functions are called to do basic I/O through dialog boxes

  • More elaborate interfacing to JS code is explained later in this presentation

Access the power of Scheme

(define (fact n) (if (< n 2) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

(define-macro (show . body)
  `(alert (with-output-to-string (lambda () ,@body))))

  (pretty-print (with-input-from-file "default.css" read-line))
  (pretty-print (map (lambda (n) `((fact ,n) = ,(fact n)))
                     (iota 6 5 5))))
  • Use lambda, lists, bignums, macros, files, pretty-printing, …

  • Files are read from the web server relative to the document’s root

Tail-calls and call/cc too!

(define (sum n x)
  (if (> n 0) (sum (- n 1) (+ n x)) x))

(define (map-inverse lst)
    (lambda (return)
      (map (lambda (x)
             (if (= x 0)
                 (return 'divide-by-zero)
                 (/ 1 x)))

(alert (list (sum 100000 0)
             (map-inverse '(1 2 3 4 5))
             (map-inverse '(1 2 0 4 5))))

Debugging with the REPL

(define (fibs a b)
  (if (< b 2)
      (cons a (fibs b (+ a b)))
      nil))  ;; exception "Unbound variable: nil"

(alert (fibs 0 1))
  • Uncaught Scheme exceptions will start a REPL

  • Type ,e for the variable bindings, ,b for a backtrace or ,be for a backtrace with variable bindings

  • Type ,q or (exit) or ESC twice to leave the REPL

  • Type ,(c '()) to continue execution with '() result

Simple Interfacing to JS

(host-exec "alert('location='+window.location);")
  • The host-exec special form allows executing JS statements, here a call to the alert function

  • The host-exec special form returns the void object

  • The similar host-eval special form allows executing JS expressions (that have a result), as shown in the next slide

Passing Values from JS to Scheme

(define (Date)
  (host-eval "g_host2scm(Date().toString())"))

(alert (Date))
  • The date as a JS string is converted to a Scheme string by the call g_host2scm(<js_value>)

  • g_host2scm converts simple values including JS booleans, numbers, strings, arrays and functions

Passing Values from Scheme to JS

(define (clz32 n)  ;; "Count leading zeroes"

(alert (map clz32 '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
  • g_scm2host(<scm_value>) converts simple Scheme values to their JS representation

  • @1@ is replaced by the second host-eval parameter, @2@ by the third, etc

Exporting Scheme Procedures to JS

(define (background-set! id color)
   "var c = g_scm2host(@2@);  // convert Scheme string to JS
    document.querySelector(g_scm2host(@1@)).style.background = c;"

(define (addEventListener type thunk)
   "var t = g_scm2host(@2@);  // convert Scheme procedure to JS
    document.addEventListener(g_scm2host(@1@),function () { t(); });"

(addEventListener "dblclick"
                  (let ((white-bg #t))
                    (lambda ()
                      (set! white-bg (not white-bg))
                       (if white-bg "white" "lightgreen")))))
  • After running this code, double click events will toggle the background color of this slide

Your Turn!

;; enter Scheme code here, then click run button
;; if you'd rather use the Gambit REPL directly,
;; uncomment the next line and click run button
;; (##repl-debug-main)
// reveal.js plugins